Free Class 7 Practice Test Alberta /40 15 votes, 4.5 avg 5134 5 - Alberta Practice Test English Practice Test - 5 40 Questions Passing Marks - 80% 1 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Narrow bridge ahead Pavement is slippery Divided road/highway begins Divided road/highway ends, keep to the right 2 / 40 Flashing amber light at an intersection mean ____ Do not stop under any circumstances Keep driving at the same speed Slow down and proceed with caution Always stop 3 / 40 On a multi-lane road or highway, you must _____ before changing lanes Check mirror, blind spot and signal Slow down Honk to let the other drivers know you are changing lane Sound the horn 4 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Right lane must exit Merging traffic ahead Keep right of the traffic island Keep to the right lane except when passing on two-lane sections where climbing or passing lanes are provided 5 / 40 If a streetcar is stopped for the passengers and there is not any safety zone, what should you do? Stop at least two meters behind the rear doors Turn on the dipper and pass Honk the horn and pass on the right Stop at least ten meters behind the rear doors 6 / 40 What does this road sign mean? No right turns on red lights Traffic lights are not working ahead instead camera is used It is safe to cross the redlights Red light camera at the intersection 7 / 40 If at an intersection, a police officer is directing the traffic but traffic lights are working, you must Follow the direction of the police officer Follow the traffic lights Ignore the officer if the lights are green None of these 8 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Pedestrian crossing ahead Destination sign. Shows directions to nearby towns and cities Shows the distances in kilometers to towns and cities on the road None of the above 9 / 40 Parking lights are used while driving over 100km/h for parking only in poor lighting conditions while driving in fog 10 / 40 What does this road sign mean? When yellow lights are flashing, maximum speed limit is 40km/hr Watch for the pedestrians Children playing ahead You can ignore the flashing yellow lights 11 / 40 What are the signs of aggressive driving? Cutting in front of someone too closely Speeding All of these Tailgating 12 / 40 What should you do upon approaching a stop sign? You can ignore the stop sign if there is no other vehicle Slow down and sound the horn Come to a complete stop and only proceed when it is safe Slow down and proceed with caution 13 / 40 This is a Prohibiting sign None of the above Permissive sign Do not enter sign 14 / 40 What should you do before moving your vehicle from the parked position? Traffic check Signal Mirror check Signal, shoulder and mirror check and only move if it is safe 15 / 40 What does this road sign mean? No smoking No stopping for more than 1 minute No Parking No idling for more than 1 minute 16 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Round-about ahead Snowmobile parking ahead Construction zone ahead Snowmobile may use the road 17 / 40 If there are many snowplows working on the road, you should pass on the right keep a distance of 2kms honk so that they can clear your way not try to pass 18 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Bump or uneven pavement on the road ahead There is water on the road ahead Steep hill ahead You can only go straight 19 / 40 If you are very tired while driving, you should ____ Listen to loud music Drink coffee Drive faster so that you can reach your destination quickly Pull off the road and park your vehicle in a safe, secure place and rest 20 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Slower traffic must keep to the right Right lane exits You must exit if you remain in this lane There is a slight curve or bend in the road ahead 21 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Road branching off ahead Hidden road ahead You can ignore this sign Divided highway begins 22 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Air show starting ahead Route to Airport Aeroplan on the road All of the above 23 / 40 You must always check your blind spots before Making left turns Changing lanes Doing any of these Making right turns 24 / 40 When parking facing downhill, you must keep your wheels straight, parallel to the curb turn your front wheels to the left and set parking brake turn your front wheels to the right and set parking brake not park there 25 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Lane is closed Take next right There is a slight curve or bend in the road ahead Steep hill ahead 26 / 40 What does this road sign mean? You cannot make a right turn Going straight is allowed You don't have the right of way if you are going straight Do not drive straight through the intersection 27 / 40 If you are approaching an intersection and the traffic lights change from green to amber, you must Speed up so that you can clear the intersection Continue driving through intersection without stopping Honk to let other vehicles know you are not stopping Stop. If a stop cannot be made safely, proceed with caution 28 / 40 If on a multi-lane road/highway, a motorcycle is ahead of you and you want to pass, you must All of these Treat them like other vehicles and move to the other lane to pass safely Honk so that he can clear your way Pass by maintaining a distance of 1 meter 29 / 40 On a multi-lane road, passing other vehicles on the right is permitted is not permitted, you must pass from the left 30 / 40 At a controlled intersection where you face a yield sign, you must keep driving at slow speed slow down or stop if necessary and only proceed when the way is clear stop at all times take the right of way 31 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Do not make a U-turn during the times shows Do not turn left at any time except the times shown You cannot turn left at the intersection Do not turn left during the times shown 32 / 40 What does this road sign mean? School zone ahead Children playing be careful None of the above School bus loading and unloading area 33 / 40 When passing a cyclist, drivers of motor vehicles must maintain a minimum distance of ______ 2 meter 3 meter 4 meter 1 meter 34 / 40 If you are pulled over by a police officer, what documents you may be asked to produce? All of these Insurance slip Vehicle ownership Driver's license 35 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Drivers on the sideroad at the intersection ahead don't have a clear view of traffic Making left turn is not safe You must turn right You cannot make a U-turn here 36 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Do not run while crossing No children allowed No pedestrians allowed Construction zone ahead do not pass 37 / 40 If you are driving on a freeway and you saw a vehicle on the acceleration lane trying to merge on freeway, what should you do? Sound horn to let the driver know he can merge Move over if it is safe to do so, and let the vehicle merge None of these Speed up and prevent the vehicle from merging 38 / 40 What should you do if your brakes fail? Do all of these Pump the brake pedal Turn on flashers Apply the parking brake gently but firmly 39 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Construction zone ahead Pedestrian crossing School zone Children playing ahead 40 / 40 What does this road sign mean? Road ahead closed Right lane is for buses only You must exit if you remain in the right lane It is not safe to drive in right lane Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback Alberta Road Signs English Road Signs – 1 Road Signs – 2 Road Signs – 3 Road Signs – 4 Road Signs – 5 Alberta Practice Test English Practice Test – 1 Practice Test – 2 Practice Test – 3 Practice Test – 4 Practice Test – 5 Alberta Road Rules in English Road Rules – 1 Road Rules – 2 Road Rules – 3 Road Rules – 4 Alberta Test Marathons Practice Test Marathon Road Rules Marathon Road Signs Marathon Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)