MTO AZ Practice Test

6 votes, 5 avg

3 - Ontario Truck Practice Test in English

Truck Practice Test - 3

40 Questions

Passing Marks - 80%

1 / 40

You must yield the right-of-way:

2 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

3 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

4 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

5 / 40

Can you use your left-turn signals to tell the following motorists it is safe to pass?

6 / 40

What should you do if you are unable to keep to traffic speed?

7 / 40

When entering or exiting a roundabout, you must:

8 / 40

A longer distance (wheel base) between the front wheels and the rear wheels of the vehicle creates:

9 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

10 / 40

When passing a cyclist, you must maintain a minimum distance of ______

11 / 40

When sharing the road with smaller vehicles, you must

12 / 40

A driver must use the trailer hand valve, or the tractor protection valve to hold a parked unit.

13 / 40

Where a school-crossing guard displays a red and white stop sign, you must

14 / 40

When approaching a railway crossing where the signal lights are activated, where should you stop.

15 / 40

Which of the following is the easiest and safest backing maneuver?

16 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

17 / 40

What is the recommended method when performing an alley dock?

18 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

19 / 40

The maximum height for a vehicle in Ontario is_______.

20 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

21 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

22 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

23 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

24 / 40

What are the recommended stopping positions at the intersection?

25 / 40

What is the minimum distance that you must maintain if you are following another vehicle on a highway?

26 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

27 / 40

What should you do before backing?

28 / 40

If you are coming from behind the bus, stop at least _____ metres away.

29 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

30 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

31 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

32 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

33 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

34 / 40

What is the best practice to safely complete a turn?

35 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

36 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

37 / 40

Do not pass any vehicle within _____ metres of a pedestrian crossover.

38 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

39 / 40

At a circular intersection, when 1 vehicle is already in the intersection and the 2nd vehicle is entering the circular intersection, who has the right of way?

40 / 40

What does this road sign mean?

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